RunAsService Crack Free
公開日:2022/06/08 / 最終更新日:2022/06/08
If you have been using Windows for a while, then there is a good chance that you have a lot of great utilities that run at startup. While this is OK for the most application you have installed, the truth is that there are some that would be nice to start even before you log in to the computer. To put it simply, it would be great if those apps would run as a Windows service.
As the name suggests, RunAsService is a command line tool designed to help you transform any application installed on your PC to run as a service.
Simply specify the name and the path to the executable
You can get started by opening the preferred console and typing the RunAsService install [Name] [Display Name] PathToExecutable command. The name refers to the name of the program, but if you choose not to specify it, then the app takes the default name of the executable. As you probably hinted, the display name entails that you want to preview the service listed in the standard Windows services. The PathToExecutable implies the location of the application you want to run as a service.
As you would expect, when you decide to uninstall the application, you need simply need to specify the name of the service.
A straightforward CLI tool for making regular apps run as services
In case you just need to move the app to another location, then it is important to note that you need to use the fixservices command, as otherwise all installed services stop working. The developer states that the tool needs to be on the same location all the time, but if you need to move it, it can be resolved via the aforementioned command.
All in all, RunAsService is a reliable tool that enables to transform some of your most useful tools into services that start running on your computer even before you log in.
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RunAsService Crack
RunAsService Crack Mac is a command line tool for Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008 and Windows Vista that will allow you to install or uninstall services. All systems running Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server and Windows NT 4.0 are NOT supported for this tool.
RunAsService Torrent Download is a FREE tool that will allow you to write any executable to run as a Windows service.
RunAsService can be useful to create service startup programs for:
To do so:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\calc.exe /q
To do so:
otepad.exe /q
To do so:
otepad.exe /q
You can install the app with a command that looks like this:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\runas2.exe /install c:\windows\SysWOW64
otepad.exe /q
otepad.exe /q
To do so:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\runas2.exe /install c:\windows\SysWOW64
otepad.exe /q
otepad.exe /q
To do so:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\runas2.exe /install c:\windows\SysWOW64
otepad.exe /q
otepad.exe /q
To do so:
c:\windows\SysWOW64\runas2.exe /install c:\windows\SysWOW64
otepad.exe /q
otepad.exe /q
RunAsService Screenshots:
RunAsService Crack+ [32|64bit]
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for (k = 0; k current.row_map.length; k++) {
if (ctx->current.row_map[k] == cm) {
cm = ctx->current.column_map[k];
if (cm) {
ctx->current.row_map[cm] = row_num;
ctx->current.column_map[cm] = col_num;
} else {
ctx->current.row_map[row_num] = col_num;
ctx->current.column_map[col_num] = row_num;
RunAsService Crack PC/Windows
“RunAsService is a simple command-line tool to turn installed apps into local windows services.”
The tool has been tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8. It uses only the Windows APIs to do its work, thus it should work on all Windows versions.
RunAsService help:
RunAsService’s Help Menu shows the help window with a few examples of what RunAsService can do.
RunAsService installation:
RunAsService can be installed using the [Web Installer]( this is an easy web-based installation where you do not need to have software. It will allow you to install or uninstall as if you were in an command-line.
RunAsService will work fine on any Windows installation for the version currently supported. The developer also mentions that it is tested on Windows 7 and Windows 8.
Want to support the developer in order to get more features and better help and support? Then click here to become a supporter.
This has worked for me
“Runs file as windows service
Как работать с абстрактными классами в Java?
Хочу узнать как реализовать написание классов. Т.е. в статических классах хочу что-то подобное:
public abstract class Abstract {
public static Abstract instance = new Abstract() {
public void printMe() {
System.out.println(“Hello World!”);
Однако не могу написать задуманн
What’s New In RunAsService?
Runs a specified executable as a Windows service.
runasservice /install [Name] [/DisplayName] [/Path] [/ConfigFile] [/LogFile] [/MustRunAsConsole] [/WhatIf] [/Force]
[/Admin] [/DelayedAutoStart] [/Vista] [/admin] [/NoWait] [/nologo] [/Quiet] [/quiet] [/nobreak] [/nounload]
[/config] [/add] [/DelayedAutoStart] [/service] [/log] [/nologo] [/quiet] [/noWait] [/nobreak]
[/admin] [/mustrunasconsole] [/install] [/start] [/stagen] [/errorlevel]
[/service] [/start] [/stop] [/status] [/uninstall] [/uninstall /force]
Name: Service name. Can be a filename or a text string. Required.
Path: Path to the executable, e.g., c:\Program Files\blah\blah.exe.
DisplayName: The name displayed when the service starts.
PathToExecutable: The full path to the executable, or the relative path.
ConfigFile: The name of the configuration file.
LogFile: The name of the log file.
MustRunAsConsole: Is the service to be a console application.
WhatIf: Opens a DOS-prompt with the parameters for what will be done.
Force: Starts the service even if it is already running.
Admin: Runs the service with elevated privileges.
DelayedAutoStart: Specifies whether the service will start immediately or after a timeout.
Vista: Uses service templates that work well on Windows Vista.
/admin: Specifies to start with a privileged account.
/service: Specifies that the service should be enabled.
/Install: Installs the specified service.
/Start: Starts the specified service.
/Status: Gets the status of the specified service.
/Uninstall: Uninstalls the specified service.
/Uninstall /force: Uninstalls the specified service without prompt.
/nologo: Disables graphical output.
/nounload: Disables loading of
System Requirements For RunAsService:
Video Card
OS: Windows 7 x64, Windows 8.1 x64, Windows 10
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4570 CPU @ 3.20GHz
Memory: 4GB RAM
DirectX: Version 11.0
Storage: 300MB available space for game install
Mac OS X:
OS: 10.10 + or later