These Are The Hidden Costs And Benefits Of Working From Home
公開日:2022/03/15 / 最終更新日:2022/03/15
Be thoughtful about how you spend your time together and build in breaks for yourself and the children. Kids of work-at-home parents can be especially good at playing independently, but parents have to lay the groundwork in order for that to happen. You need to set work-at-home ground rules and a work schedule so that all know what is expected of them.
While some people swear by 40 hours a week in the office, there is growing support for the second camp of workers who find they are more productive working from home. We believe so as it can increase communication and integration. Team members can keep in touch through a modern company intranet, so it’s as if they’re in the office anyway.
Similarly, teleworkers have the responsibility to use their equipment and resources to carry out their responsibilities. This increase in responsibility for their work also increases their power, supporting the idea that teleworking is a privilege and in some companies, considered a promotion. Although telecommuting might promote engagement, working remotely every day could limit it, too.
Just know that whatever work environment you choose, you’re not alone. Many remote workers took the opportunity to work from anywhere, whether it be another country or a family member’s home. The flexibility of working remotely allows you to work in different locations, like a local coffee shop, for a change of scenery.
In a 2 year study by Stanford University, those who worked from home witnessed an incredible increase in productivity. Employees took shorter breaks, had fewer sick days, and took less time off. However, the popular remote work report from Buffer revealed that unplugging after work is the biggest struggle for 22% of remote workers.
Leaders at GitLab, too, pointed to employee retention as a positive outcome of the company’s decision to be all-remote. The net benefit, they believe, including the productivity increases and property cost savings they’ve seen, equals $18,000 a year for each worker. Many industries are making it known that they are friendly to telecommuting including IT, HR/Recruiting, Education, Accounting, Health, Law, Marketing, Nonprofit, News/Media, Sports, and Travel. In addition, the site was created to help those seeking telecommuting opportunities connect with companies and jobs that offer remote work, flexible schedules, part-time hours and freelance assignments. The other top factors that make people want a flexible job, in addition to work-life balance and commute stress, were family and time savings. The constant pull that people feel between time spent with family and time spent at work can affect mental health, and flexible work options allow those priorities to co-exist more peacefully.
It is linked to everyday stress, sleep disturbance, and exhaustion. According to FlexJobs’ survey, 45% of respondents have cited ‘family’ the main reason to seek flexible work options. Recruiting good employees and making sure they stick around is always a top concern for any small business. And you can effectively tackle it by providing your employees with flexible work options like working from home.
In fact, one recent survey from FlexJobs goes as far as saying that 58% of workers say they would “absolutely” look for a new job if they weren’t allowed to continue working remotely in their current position. The pandemic will not be ‘the death of the office,’ as some have suggested, but working from home also won’t become entirely a thing of the past. Many workers wouldn’t want it that way because they enjoy the freedom and flexibility it gives them. The solution for the future is a structured hybrid model, acknowledging that working from home doesn’t work long-term for most jobs, while still giving workers flexibility.
For many people, it’s been around as long as technology has allowed it to be. Working on-site among colleagues naturally leads to more interactions with them. Roughly 77% of workers in the office reported engaging in spontaneous conversations with coworkers, while only 60% of remote workers reported the same. In this last category, men were more likely to have unplanned chats with colleagues than women. And while some workers – for example, many of those in retail or construction – can’t do their work remotely, those who can often see a spike in productivity once they’re away from the office. As more and more companies ask their employees to work from home due to coronavirus fears, workers and managers alike are worrying about their newfound remote work arrangements.
Read more about here. In 2019, there had been a 91% growth in remote work from the past 10 years. And that was before the global pandemic that changed the face of the office as we know it. Plus, we’ll demonstrate how resource planning software can give you an extra advantage. While physical proximity was an important factor in the past, “Now you really are able to imagine hiring someone who is not going to be on site very often,” she said.