Windows7Loader2093264bitbyDAZ !NEW! 🤘🏿
公開日:2022/07/17 / 最終更新日:2022/07/17
Windows7Loader2093264bitbyDAZ !NEW! 🤘🏿
Since Microsoft has officially announced both Windows 7 and Windows Server 8 in late May of 2009, consumers have been anxiously awaiting its release. While it wouldn’t be fair to say that there’s been a huge revolution in the reliability of Windows 7, or a dramatic improvement in the support from the manufacturer, it’s good to know that the system now comes with a few new features to compliment and improve the already good work that’s been done in the past. Getting that end-user attitude and getting people to start thinking along the lines of the long term now, and continuing to make Windows 7 an all-encompassing and dependable OS, this is what we’re aiming for, and in many ways, the improvements to Windows 7 over Windows XP, Vista and 2008 are enough to justify the wait.
It’s been quite a few years since there have been any substantial improvements to Microsoft’s flagship operating system of Windows, and I think we’ve grown used to the stability that they’ve ensured while maintaining the smoothness that we knew and loved. Still, there was always a sense that something was missing, especially when compared to Mac OS X, which is just about flawless. While we’ve seen plenty of tweaks to both the user interface and the underlying principles, the biggest gap that was never closed was the problem with corrupting startup programs in the registry. In short, if you needed more than one executable for your operating system, and you didn’t want to mess around with what was already there, you were left with only one option, and that was not to use Windows.
While Windows 7 still has a lot of room to grow, and it’s a shame that XP won’t be offered any longer, that’s a very minor negative when we all look at all the exciting things that are being done by Microsoft. It’s not going to be an overnight success, but in six years, when everyone is upgrading to Windows 8, there will be very little to complain about, and that’s quite a feat when considering the size and variety of the hardware in the market.
So far, I’ve been using Windows 7 Developer Preview 2 quite a bit, and I think that it’s a worthy contender for Windows 7. One of the biggest drawbacks is that it’s still pre-release software, and while you will notice quite a few changes between the developer
Damn this is amazing.
As a matter of fact,
and I’m re-re-re-reviewing
this right now
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OpenMP: how to parallelize a sequential for loop?
I’m trying to parallelize a sequential for loop with OpenMP, but it does not work. I am getting an error:
Task ‘#pragma omp parallel for shared(z_tab) private(i,j,k,k1,l) schedule(static,1)’ failed
My code is:
#define MAXN 2000
#define NMAX 400
#define NX 12 // -55
#define NY 12 // -50
#define NZ 12 // -55
using namespace std;
int **z_tab;
int n_z;
int main() {
int a_min=-55;
int a_max=+55;
int b_min=-50;
int b_max=+50;
int c_min=-55;
int c_max=+55;
int d_min=-50;
int d_max=+50;
double z_tab[NMAX][NY][NZ];
double dz_tab[NMAX][NY][NZ];
double d_z_tab[NMAX][NY][NZ];
/*initialize values for z_tab*/
for(int j=0;j