Delphi Compiler Generator Crack Full Product Key Free Download [32|64bit]
公開日:2022/07/12 / 最終更新日:2022/07/12
Although it is quite difficult to find compiler resources for Delphi there are meanwhile some, which allow to create lexical scanners and/or parsers in Object Pascal.
For the Delphi Compiler Generator I used the Lex and Yacc translation for Turbo Pascal and Delphi from Albert Graef, which exists already in several different versions. DCG is an independent branch of this development and offers some additonal features (mainly related to the GUI) that other implementation do not have.
The Delphi Compiler Generator (DCG) application was developed to be a powerful tool that will allow you to create DCG projects. DCG projects consist of a couple of files which either describe properties of the projects as such as well as source code files which are compiled by Delphi Compiler Generator (DCG).
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Delphi Compiler Generator Serial Key (DCG) is a powerful tool for creating code generators for Object Pascal using the Delphi programming language compiler. You can write a DCG project with its own language specification. This language specification specifies the grammar and lexicon of your programming language. Therefore, you can implement features that are specific to your compiler, like parsing, lexical analysis and compiling.
With DCG, you only need to specify the grammar and lexicon of your programming language. When you define your DCG project, you can define how and where in your projects code is generated. You can place generated code in any place you like.
When you generate code, Delphi Compiler Generator uses the language specifications you defined for your DCG projects. You can specify regular string literals and constants with their characters and values. Also special objects and procedures (from the Delphi Object Library) can be generated.
With DCG, you do not need to write compiler specific code.
After selecting the language of the project you can then define the content of this DCG project. First is to create the grammar by entering the grammar file. The language that you want to use for your DCG project must have a corresponding grammar file. Then, you can add or remove the tokens or tokens that you want to generate or not generate. If you don’t want to generate a specific code item, it can be left empty.
Finally the grammar of a DCG project must be tested by compiling a test source file. If this step fails, you’ll get an error message that states that the grammar file is not valid.
The Lexer is the basic component in the Lexer/Parser. It is not possible to generate a parser without a Lexer. The Lexer takes a stream of characters and returns a list of tokens.
The Lexer is used to define delimiters and also to indicate the end of a string literal. The Lexer is crucial to the parser because it’s responsible for reading the source code and for properly spotting strings. Using the Lexer is quite simple.
Using a Lexer, you can define a group of tokens. The Token type represents the output from a Lexer’s operation. Tokens can be recognised by different states, for example, if it is possible that a certain character sequence produces more than one token. Also, you can define the start of a token, and this also indicates whether a token is valid in the current state. You can
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This is the main Window of DCG. It looks pretty much like the ACU application.
On the left side there is a Treeview called File/Dir. Under Filesystem you will find all files and directories in the DCG project which are selected by the Project Properties wizard in Edit/Preferences.
In the right side there is a ComboBox called Syntax, with the following predefined values (and then you can add your own definitions):
In a created project you will find a file (e.g. Project.dcg) which can be edited by this application. By adding a file you can add some kind of generated code.
For writing the generated code DCG has a category called “Token” which represents tokens in the code. A token has a type, a name and a value. In the project file you can define what tokens are generated where (also anonymous tokens). For example:
The following example describes the production of a simple “if-then-end” statement:
In the DCG application the name of the IF statement is selected and you are asked to select the variable name to which you want to assign the value. After that it is possible to select the type of the TOKEN. But we can also define some properties.
For the IF statement the following tokens are possible (anonymous tokens):
In the following example the language category of an anonymous token is set to “C”, the name to “foo” and the value to “true” because this token is inserted at the beginning of a C code file.
The type of the token will change automatically depending on the category. The following examples are shown with a category “Delphi”. (I’m sure other categories can be used in the project file.)
Now it’s possible to select a production (e.g. IF STATEMENT). From the list of productions you can select the one that you want to create or create a new one.
By selecting one of these tokens you can have its properties set. We can set the name, the type and the value. But there are some token types which are more complicated to handle:
The following examples are shown for the token
Delphi Compiler Generator Crack
The Delphi Compiler Generator (DCG) is a Delphi tool that is able to create projects, which are basically ready to be compiled by the Delphi Compiler. One of DCG project files are called “Project”. This file can be used to describe the properties of the project as well as some source code of the project.
Project can contain
1. source code files which will be compiled
2. as well as a “parser.pas” file (which is translated by DCG to a “parser.dfm”) and which will contain a Pascal/Object Pascal grammar used by the parser to understand the source code files.
Creating a “Project” file is relatively easy as the syntax is straight forward and there is plenty of examples (which you can browse in the DCG-project).
Setting the DCG-project properties can be done by an editor, which was developed by me. This editor currently supports the following properties:
* Language (ProjectLanguage/DCGLanguage)
* Include Directories (ProjectIncludeDirectories)
* Additional Include Directories (ProjectIncludeDirectoriesAdditional)
* Base/Global Include Directories (ProjectIncludeDirectoriesBaseGlobal)
* Main Include Paths (ProjectIncludeDirectoriesMain)
* Additional compiler options (ProjectIncludeDirectoriesAdditionalGlobal)
* Optimization level (ProjectIncludeDirectoriesGlobal)
* Build Preprocessor (ProjectBuildPreprocessor)
* Main File (.dpk) (ProjectMainFile)
* PCC Preprocessor (.dpcc) (ProjectPCCPreprocessor)
* Delphi Source (.dp) (ProjectDelphiSource)
These properties apply to all project files, which are created afterwards.
As you see these properties are quite a wide range. So lets start with what we can do with them.
* Language
If your application is a written in e.g. English, then you have to select an English language for the compiler to use.
When building a project there are several different options.
* Build (ProjectBuild)
* Run (ProjectRun)
* Debug (ProjectDebug)
With different compiler options there are also different options.
* Stop (ProjectStop)
* Project parameters (ProjectParameters)
* Optimization
There are 3 different options:
* No optimization
* Fast compilation
* Full Optimization
The compilation speed in a debug build can differ a lot, because in a debug
What’s New in the Delphi Compiler Generator?
DCG is an open source project which aims to provide a means of creating flexible tools for creating Delphi compiler projects.
DCG presents the user with a Graphical User Interface (GUI) which allows the user to create and manage compiler projects.
The GUI allows the user to create projects, and then add and modify project properties. These properties specify various compiler configurations, such as the locations of Delphi libraries, as well as the configuration of the Delphi compiler to be used as a step in the compile process. Project properties may also specify properties for the project source code such as compiler directives and parameters.
Additionally, a DCG project may include a set of ‘default’ compiler directives, and may also specify the specific compiler to be used, these compiler directives are presented as options during a project’s creation and modification, and they allow the user to specify that the project is to be created with or run with different compiler features.
Additionally, all source code files which are associated with a project may be compiled by a specific version of the Delphi compiler.
Finally, using the DCG’s project management capabilities, multiple projects may be grouped into a single project file.
As the Delphi Compiler Generator is the next step on the ladder after the Turbo Pascal Compiler Generator I re-used the original Alberts tools and translated them to Object Pascal.
The basics are the same, but there are several modifications that I made to the original project, and some new features.
Below I will describe the functionality of the project, and how it works.
To create a new project,
Click the “Create” button on the toolbar.
If you want the project to be created with an existing compilation options, click on the “Create with options” button. If you want to create a new compilation options, click on the “Create with options…” button.
Select an existing project file, and click on the “Create” button
To modify a properties of an existing project
Click on the project file on the project list. This opens a dialog where you can change the project file properties.
Click on a project file. This opens a dialog where you can modify the project file’s properties.
Change a project file’s options
Click on a project file on the project list. This opens a dialog where you can edit, delete, and add compiler options.
Click on a
System Requirements For Delphi Compiler Generator:
Hard Drive Space: 6 GB available space for the app and game.
Sierra Systems:
– XS (799+)
– SX (999+)
– XS Max (1099+)
– SX Max (1299+)
– YS (1699+)
– YS Max (1799+)
Mac Computers:
– Sierra (2299+)
– Sierra Max (2699+)
– Dual Core 2.0 GHz
– Quad Core 3